Wealth Management

froots avoids all conflicts of interest by combining fully independent Asset Management with personal care.

Wealth Management in Four Simple Steps

1. Analysis of your Objectives & Situation

Mutual understanding of your personal situation & objectives forms the basis of a successful investment strategy.

2. Individual Investment Proposal

Based on your personal needs, we develop a customised investment strategy that suits you.

3. Strategy Implementation

Our investment team implements the jointly crafted strategy and adjusts it over time to your investment horizon.

4. Continuous Monitoring and Reporting

We continuously challenge the asset allocation of your portfolio, act when necessary, and keep you up to date on key decisions.

Die Vorteile einer Vermögensverwaltung mit froots

Financial Experts Take Care of Everything

We have more than 50 years of experience in putting together your portfolios. We invest your money using our special investment approach. We continuously adjust the selection of your assets in line with current market developments. In this way, we ensure that you always receive the best solution for managing your funds.

No Conflicts of Interest

With us, you receive the service of an asset management company, but without the high costs that can result from conflicts of interest. We do not receive any commission for the sale of third-party financial products and are 100% independent. We cater to your needs and are always personally available for you and your questions - online and on site in our office in the heart of Vienna.

Tailored to Your Life and Objectives

Your assets are managed in customised portfolios depending on your plans and risk preference. We optimise your asset allocation based on your personal needs and investment horizons. The closer you get to your investment goals, the more we increase the proportion of assets with lower volatility.

Full Transparency & Safety

We charge a single transparent all-in fee of a maximum of 1% p.a. You can make flexible deposits and withdrawals at any time without transaction costs. In your customer portal, you can see at any time what you are invested in and which transactions are being carried out. Your money is deposited with our Austrian partner bank and is available to you at all times.

Our Investment Committee

David Mayer-Heinisch

Founder & CEO

Goran Vasiljevic

Investment Committee

Dr. Alexander Schuessler

Investment Committee

The Best Of All Worlds

All investment segments have strengths and weaknesses. With the quantitative and systematic approach of a fund manager, the efficiency of a robo-advisor and the personalisation and service of an asset manager, froots combines the strengths of all segments. In addition, our efficiency allows us to offer our service at an attractive price.

This is how our portfolios developed

Despite turbulent times, froots has managed to achieve solid returns.


*We have been investing according to our investment approach since September 2019, performance 2024 until end Q2.

What differentiates froots from the rest?

Private bank
Investment funds
Classical bank
Active professional management
100% Personalized
Direct access to investment team
Physical office in Vienna
Personal advice & Service
100% Independent Product Selection
Attractively priced
Accessible under 500.000 EUR

Testimonials from our Customers

Josef K.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Posted on Google

Bestmöglicher Kundenservice, sehr kompetente Beratung… Top!

Ivonne K.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Posted on Google

Tolle objektive Beratung, danke für das sehr gute Investment-Gespräch. Alles sehr unkompliziert und gut erklärt.

Alexander W.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Posted on Google

Finanzkompetenz, die man bei einem "Wall Street" Hedgefonds erwartet, wird dem durchschnittlichen Österreicher zugänglich gemacht. Wirklich unglaublich!

Pedro S.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Posted on Google

I would advise to everyone to at least do a consultation with the excellent and professional team. Thank you for everything!

Larissa M.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Posted on Google

Sehr nettes und kompetentes Team - super ausführliche und einfach zu verstehende Beratung direkt vom Chef. Wie froots funktioniert wurde gut erklärt und Kosten für mich als Anlegerin dargestellt. Besonders gefallen hat mir die Möglichkeit einfach und schnell meine Sparpläne zu ändern.

Michael K.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Posted on Google

Super professionell und persönlich. Auch bei kleineren Investitionen wird man 1A behandelt und alles super transparent erklärt. Alle Kosten sind absolut überschaubar und man muss absolut keine Expertise mitbringen. Man kann auch mit kleineren Summen einfach mal anfangen.

Dario G.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Posted on Google

Bin (fast) ein Jahr bei Froots (Vermögensverwaltung) und bin bis dato absolut zufrieden [...] Alles in allem ist es eine einfache und bequeme Alternative zum Investieren, wenn man nicht selbstständig Zeit aufbringen möchte, den Finanzmarkt zu analysieren.

Jan W.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Posted on Google

Systematisch, datengesteuert und emotionslos auf der einen Seite, empathisch und sympathisch auf der anderen. So sollte Wealth Management sein. Vielen Dank froots!

Tailored Asset Management

From a conceptual point of view, it can make sense to divide your assets into at least three areas. Depending on your personal risk preference, current situation and future plans, we will create different portfolios for you.

For assets that are to be available in the short term or that are planned for goals within the next 3-5 years, we create portfolios for you to optimise your liquidity and protect your assets against inflation. Depending on the time horizon, investment forms with low to moderate volatility are selected. For assets to be invested over the long term, higher volatility can be accepted in order to achieve higher returns.

Attractive Pricing

When it comes to money, transparency is crucial. At froots, there are no hidden fees. We charge a single all-in fee that decreases over time and with the amount of assets under management.

0-150k EUR
150-500k EUR
500-2M EUR
Over 2M EUR
Product Costs
0-5 Years
6-10 Years
after 10 Years

Special Fund Structures from 10m EUR

With the help of a special fund, we can put together a tax-optimised portfolio that meets your interests and covers gaps in your current exposure. This structure is therefore very popular with foundations and family offices.

Tailor Made

After in-depth analysis of existing assets we create a portfolio that covers all blind spots and avoids bulk risk through optimal diversification from existing assets.

Full Transparency

Daily performance calculation by Österreichische Kontrollbank ensure full transparency.

Ultimate Protection

Investors enjoy ultimate protection by the Austrian Investment Fund Act & assets are independent of the creditworthiness of the providers.

Tax Auditor Treatment

Fund receives yearly review including tax treatment by a qualified auditor.

FAQ froots Wealth home

Who is behind froots?

With Andreas Treichl as the seed investor, froots was founded in 2019 by David Mayer-Heinisch and Dirk van Wassenaer. Currently froots has 20+ employees and a long list of influential investors among which; Georg Kapsch, Gina Goëss, Adam Lessing and Greyhound Capital.

What differentiates froots from private banks?

froots is not a private bank, but an independent asset manager. We believe that independence is crucial to avoid conflicts of interest with the client and to keep costs low. Therefore, unlike Private Banks, froots would never buy its own financial products for clients or accept incentives from financial product providers.

What does froots invest in?

froots invests across multiple asset classes, with equities, fixed income, gold, and liquid alternatives as our focal point. Most of the added value of froots is to be found in asset allocation. We generally prefer to use ETFs and ETCs to obtain broad exposure at attractive cost, but we don’t dismiss the use of single stocks when extreme situations present rare opportunities. froots only invests in publicly traded assets to avoid illiquidity for the client.

Can I transfer existing investments to froots?

Clients are always able to transfer existing assets to froots. Our customer support team has extensive experience with transferring investment portfolios from all big financial institutions in Austria and can give hands on support to make this process as seamless as possible. For more information on account transfers, please refer to this page or contact us directly.

Can I always take money out of my froots account?

Because froots only invests in publicly traded assets, clients can withdrawal from their investment account at any time and is costless. Withdrawing (all) funds from a froots account can take up to 3 working days.

How (often) will I get updated on changes?

Clients can log into their portal at any time and see every single trade and position. Additionally, froots publishes monthly market updates, and provides a more extensive quarterly report on portfolio progress, which is distributed by email. Furthermore, clients are always welcome to contact us with questions, or to drop by at our office.

Does froots offer tax optimised fund structures?

For family offices, foundations and HNWIs, so called “Spezialfonds” are an ideal solution to invest bigger fortunes (10m+ EUR) in a tax optimised way. We have extensive experience in both setting these structures up, and managing them at different banks. For more information on the setup and management of Special Funds, please click here.

Johanna Ronay

Customer Excellence

Marlène Pfandl

Customer Exellence

David Mayer-Heinisch

Founder & CEO